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Beautiful New Must Not Shown

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011 | 22.10

At a time when prices of basic needs that kept creeping up, except for gasoline and diesel of course, we must be very clever to set spending. Create a hobby beautify the car, the knowledge about the places that sell goods worth booster car look sideways, must-have.

As a sweetener display, wheels mounted on the car hold an important role. Use of standard wheels will certainly make our cars as the cars 'average', with hundreds or even thousands of other cars.

But make no mistake, to be able to have the wheels hanging out with a larger diameter than the standard alloy wheels, actually not only as expensive as one might imagine. If the price of an original racing wheel feels out of reach, we can move on to the wheel-made replicas of Taiwan. Rows of traders in the area of ​​arteries wheels Permata Hijau, South Jakarta, as well as the area of ​​Central Jakarta, could be an option.

In terms of appearance, or replica wheels is often called 'TW' is arguably exactly with the original version. Its weight is heavier, but for the sake of appearance and budget savings, not a big problem.

"For Taiwan wheels, I could sell 10 to 35 percent cheaper than the big show room. Matter of choice and quality of the same model, "said Faisal, shopkeeper wheels 'Spider' in front of the ITC Permata Hijau, Jakarta.

To model the Brabus Monoblock 3 second hand that became a favorite model for this, installing Faisal price of Rp 5 million. As for the new wheels TW on average sold at a price of Rp 4 million.

The second step
Beres affairs wheel, the car will look more beautiful if it is equipped with a sunroof that will make your car like a car's built up. However, mounting accessories on the roof of the car must be done carefully.

'Nabila Sunroof' is one place that had a long experience about the installation of a sunroof. Workshop on Road area of ​​Roses, P. Antasari, Jakarta, had stood since 2001.

Yedi, Nabila owner, said that his workshop in the coming month on average 30 to 40 customers. 60 percent of whom are young lovers modification. Not only new products, Yeri also provides a sunroof and a moonroof (of glass), the second hand.

"We recommend that if you wear a new sunroof so no risk of leaking. The work of about six days, it could be faster. If you're busy we could shuttle and the only guarantee of our love, "said Yedi.

New sunroof prices pegged to Rp 8.2 million to $ 9 million. Brand stuff. There is a Webasto from the Dutch, British and Bosch Inalyya which is a product of Germany. For the second item, the price is certainly much cheaper.

To save money, a moonroof can be an alternative. For Japanese cars, Yedi set price of Rp 4.5 million to $ 5 million.

Leather upholstery
Not finished in the roof, the interior of the car also deserves attention. Installation of leather will add comfort when you sit for long in traffic.

Not have genuine leather seats if you want to be stylish. Synthetic products will suffice elevating your mounts. For small cars range Jazz and Yaris, the installation of synthetic leather upholstery will cost around Rp 2.5 million.

Excess leather upholstery either the original or sitetis is ease of maintenance. Interior was not a storage warehouse dust that often occurs in car seats are still covered with fabric.

One place that could be an option is' Rice Leather Car Seat. "Workshop this seat has won many beauty contest car's interior to the national level.

"We excel in design problems. There are a variety of models to choose from. Prices are the same. We provide warranty for two years, "said Tio, commander of Post Pengumben branch Rice, West Jakarta.

Workmanship seat spent three days. For cars on the market is fairly common, usually shorter processing time. The installation itself memkan a few hours.
22.10 | 0 komentar | Read More

Holiday Driving Tips When

End of the year at the end of the eye. What a joy of life is because it means there could enjoy a long vacation with family.

But be careful if you decide to vacation by car. The reason a lot of things that can cause accidents. Things certainly do not want for a family is not it?

To prevent these things, you should follow these tips.

First, prepare your vehicle properly. Check your tire pressure, oil, spare tire, and other technical matters that might be problematic in the middle of the journey.

Second, be prepared for extreme weather. In some areas, especially with this weather, wind and fog can be a barrier. Bring an extra blanket for you and your family feel warm.

Not to forget a flashlight and emergency lights. To be safer, you should see the weather forecast before departing. That way you can predict the weather that will be encountered when traveling.

Third, mobile phones. This little thing can help you in critical moments. Make sure you use the stronger the signal provider, both in urban or remote areas. And
always make sure your cell phone battery is always charged.

Fourth, take P3K box. First Aid Accident While this is important you take it in the car. Especially when there is little co-with you. Fill with mild drugs such as cure wounds, bandages, and eucalyptus oil.

Fifth, take regular breaks. Our bodies have the power limits in driving, especially in a state of standstill. Rest your body constantly to re-fit.

For example, every two hours once you pull over and rest awhile. Or if there are relatives who can drive, Take turns with it.

Sixth, if you bring your baby, take it as well as toys that they use. That way, your concentration will not be distracted by the behavior of a fussy baby.

But make sure the toy is also no noise too loud, because it might upset you made.
22.08 | 0 komentar | Read More

Basic Car Care Tips

Although car owners increasingly bloated, not all understand how to properly care for vehicles.

Though there are some basic things that should be taken to ensure that cars can remain untreated.

The tips below will help you about anything you can do without having to berepot the trouble to the garage.

- Tires
Replace your tires every 5-8 thousand miles. Do not forget to clean the brake dust of his, because in this section there are a lot of dirt from the asphalt or soil.

If left too long, the combination of heat and moisture from the brake can bake this section.

Check tire pressure regularly, at least once a week is ideal. And do not ever drive with bald tires. On slippery roads, this tire
could endanger your life.

- Machinery
Replace your engine belt every 25 thousand miles. Make sure belt is in good condition because this is the first part of the face
extreme outdoor conditions.

No less important, check the oil level and engine fluids. Each engine is different where the fluid machine. But in the user guide when you buy a car must be explained where the location of the source.

- Fuel
High-octane fuel does not necessarily guarantee the engine's power. Then that use the fuel according to the type of your car.

When the user purchases declared 'premium', then use the fuel.

- Electrical
If you want to fix something that is related to the electrical system, first disconnect the battery flows.

All too clear this part, because of foreign objects attached to the connection will slow down the electrical system.

- Lamps

If one of your turn signal flashing faster than it should, meaning that no lights are broken inside. Such lamps are easily replaced, you simply look at the nearest automotive shop.

When you replace it yourself, do not touch the glass. Your hands will leave oils and fats.

This section will react with halogen contained in the bulb. As a result, the bulb may break when you start the engine.

- Warning Lights
Although seem trivial, warning lights in the dashboard must be maintained. Indicator lights such as gasoline, batteries, or heat engine, greatly help you in your care.

Just make sure all lights are lit according to function and usefulness.
22.06 | 0 komentar | Read More

Donate Car Tips

Charity did not know what material was donated. No matter how small the material you give, big role for some of the less fortunate.

But if you decide to donate the materials for the car, need some consideration. If one step,
rather than charitable, you instead get caught up in bad things such as fraud.

So it's good to follow tips on donating a car like this.

- Avoid Third Party
There are various parties on TV or on the board advertisers who declared themselves ready to deliver your vehicle to be donated. But
no one knows if these organizations take advantage of 50 to 90 percent of car prices.

To prevent, do the first small-scale research on this organization. Find out whether they are professionals in dealing with problems like this.

- Find the Right Charity
When the organizational body that you want could not handle the matter for a car, then find an appropriate body.

In 2009, the agency organization like this is easily found. Just do not lazy to do a search to find the right organization. Moreover, there is now the Internet that allows your research.

- Count Again
When you finally decided to use the services of charitable organizations, straight talk about cutting the price of their services. Thorough fine until you need not feel disadvantaged.

- Recognize the Charitable Beneficiary Status
The most important thing in a charity is right on target. The car is not cheap stuff, then there is no harm in first identify the recipient of your charity to fit the qualifications.

Did she need? or maybe the party was still able to buy a new car. Usually safest to use
services of a friend you trust.

From their mouths you could consider the qualifications of the prospective recipient. Does he deserve this help?

- Do it Yourself Delivery
When found the body / the right people, is safer to use your own power to deliver. Not meant to show off, but as a precautionary measure things that are not diingingkan.

- Beware of Sending
Want to prevent damage or a speeding ticket from the police? Be careful when driving a car that you want to tune. Not bad
not deliver a car to charity is damaged or defective?

- Tetili
This type of donation such as this at great risk, because it's examine some of the administrative completeness letter.

Make sure all lawful and right on target. Do not fall into the wrong hands let alone used as a tool of crime.
21.58 | 0 komentar | Read More

Tips For Your Car Safe Flood Bypass

Rainy season like now often make roads inundated by water. If the depth can still be reached by car, you should exercise caution when deciding to pass it. One step, you can get stuck and, worse, your car is damaged.

To prevent this before, you should follow these safety tips through the following flood

Note the Barricades
Of flooded roads will normally be the limiting form of barricade. This is to warned motorists not to pass away. Therefore you should never ignore this barricade. Look carefully at the limit where the water remains stagnant. In Jakarta usually performed residents barricade around the site flooding. This could be a blockade barricades of trees and branches or any objects that could obstruct the path of the vehicle.

Estimate depth of water
When the car in front of you had already been through puddles, estimate its depth. Is your car could pass it? If there is no good if you take an alternative route. To prevent engine damage from too much water intruding. Safe limits that can be taken is half of the diameter of your car.

When driving a puddle, do not rush. Slowly just because you can not see what lies beneath the puddle. There could be holes or rock booster that actually damaging your vehicle. And more importantly, Drive a car round a pool of stable when passing through it.

Avoid Electrical
Wind and rain so a perfect blend to bring down electricity cables. Notice if there is a utility pole in front of the fallen. Electric currents are very dangerous not only for cars, but for your soul.

Note the Lost Objects
Floods often keep foreign objects. Here's what you should be aware, do not let those things concerning the vehicle's engine.

Brake Test
When you finally pass the flood, now saatya brake test. Try the low speed and stomp your brakes. If you do not stop, it means that your brakes were damaged by flood water. Patiently and gently pat dry. You do this by pressing the brake pedal with your left leg but still keep pace with your right foot.

Do not Restart Machine
If your car breaks down eventually was submerged in water because the depth is high enough, do not try to start the engine. The possibility of the engine block had to sneak water that could make the damage worse.

The worst thing that can happen is you get really stuck in the flood. If this happens, do not panic. Exit through the window and immediately find a safer place. Immediately contact the authorities to save you. So make sure your mobile phone can always be used. Communication is very important in this state.
21.56 | 0 komentar | Read More

Things Women Should Know

Today has become a common thing for women driving alone.

No need to wait for a husband or partner to deliver, grab the key and women living with four-wheel vehicle meluncurlah it.

But unfortunately many of the Eve who only know how to use the car without knowing her treatment. Yet little care to help you, women, driving more safely and comfortably. There are five main things you must know;

- Know how to change a tire
Flat tire so the number one enemy in an emergency. When the rider men usually roll up your sleeves and change the tires yourself, you do not want to lose.

Because of the important key is not power, but the right equipment.

Make sure the spare tire in your trunk in good condition. While supporting equipment such as jack is usually in a small compartment that also exist in the trunk.

Loosen the nut tire before you jacking. Turn the nut to the left to loosen, right to tighten. So that you do so eloquently, it could not hurt to practice changing a tire in my spare time. As a precaution is not it?

- Know how to read the warning light on dashboard
If there is a symbol that lights on your dashboard, it means something is wrong. Since it first learned the meaning of symbols such as the Check Engine light, Oil light, ABS brake light and airbag light.

You must remember that these lights are a form of communication in your car. He tried to tell you if there is a problem in it.

For example, if the oil light is on, immediately check that section. Because by knowing how to read these symbols will help you solve problems before they become serious.

- Know how to check the oil and radiator
Your car can run smoothly if you have the oil and radiator water is sufficient. Both of these fluids play an important role in the life of your car because the lives for all things under the hood is not worn or corroded.

Even act as a radiator water cooling the engine so as not too hot. Use the dip stick (sort of a thin rod made of iron) to check the oil.

When the oil is a trace on the dip stick located on the lower level, then it's time you change the oil. Or like how easy it is? Use your ability to read the symbols on the dash board. If there is a yellow symbol in the form of oil droplets, that means your oil problem.

As for radioator, you must check once a month. But the weather is quite hot, replace the schedule was so twice a month.

- Know how jumping Aki
Often refer to the action of Adam who share battery power? This happens when one car would not turn on when in the start. And make no mistake, once in a while you'll also be stuck with this situation.

So it prepare yourself with proper knowledge and equipment. Prepare cable which responds to positive-negative poles on your battery.
Remove the battery, and you will see the type of poles (-) and (+).

When your car (and colleagues who helped) is off, fix the poles with the cable. Let your colleagues who started her car first, wait a while and then you start the ignition.

If your car is on, please unplug it and leave the engine running for about 30 minutes.

- Know how to change Wiper
Wiper be the savior you are currently driving on the swift rainy season like this. The use of too long can damage a windscreen wiper and the most frightening, was not functioning during heavy rains.

Read the manual for your car again. There will be no size and type of wipers used. Not only the type, the manual is usually also stores steps wiper replacement. It includes easy step and easy to follow.
21.53 | 0 komentar | Read More
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